Embroidery Blog

Gaps Happen

28 October 2019 by Ashlea Stoodley - Bunnycup Embroidery

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Gaps happen, and they send us a little nutty right? Why do those gaps in outlines happen and how to go about fixing them is the real question. Read more...

October Facebook Group Customer Projects

7 October 2019 by Ashlea Stoodley - Bunnycup Embroidery

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We love scouting social media and finding many of the wonderful creations you share which inspire so many others. Here are some of the great pictures we have recently spotted.  Read more...

Blog Archives

Oh my goodness. I am praising Bunnycup right now. I have a home show this next Thursday and was wondering how in the world I was going to explain all the numerous cute designs I have to embroider. THANK YOU for doing your catalog. My life just got simplified a little.
Kristen - Florida, USA