Embroidery Blog

September Facebook Group Projects

23 September 2019 by Ashlea Stoodley - Bunnycup Embroidery

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Our customers or so talented we love seeing what they come up with. Here are some of the many wonderful creations they have shared in our Facebook group. So come and join in on all the fun. Read more...

Customer Halloween Projects

9 September 2019 by Ashlea Stoodley - Bunnycup Embroidery

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Stop by and have a look at some of the inspirational Halloween projects some of our customers have made. Read more...

September 2019 Social Media Spotlight

2 September 2019 by Ashlea Stoodley - Bunnycup Embroidery

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We love scouting social media and finding many of the wonderful creations you share which inspire so many others. It’s been awhile since we have posted a social media spotlight, so it’s time to share some of those great pictures we have recently spotted.  Read more...

Blog Archives

Hi there, I would like to thank Bunnycup Embroidery for their wonderful designs and free retired sets. As you all probably know, our economy and inflation rate is not as good as it was a few years ago so we cannot always afford to purchase the excellent quality embroidery designs from other countries. I have come to rely on freebies (what with having 3 children at University with astronomical fees) and I can only thank Bunnycup for these freebies with which I can embellish my home decor and gifts. Thanks again. Hugs, Ez
Ez - East London, South Africa